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LC 0348 [M] Design Tic Tac Toe

Code with Senpai edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 5 revisions
Record the number of moves for each rows, columns, and two diagonals.
For each move, we -1 for each player 1's move and +1 for player 2's move.
Then we just need to check whether any of the recored numbers equal to n or -n.
Let's only look at rows first:
row[] represents the move count of a row
If player1 move on a cell in row[1], then row[1]+=1
If player2 move on a cell in row[1], then row[1]-=1
If both player1 and player2 move on some cells in row[1], then row[1] will never become "n" because it is guaranteed that all moves are valid and will only moves on empty cells.
If row[1] becomes "n", if it is currently player1's move, then player1 wins, else player2 wins.
For each move, only check rows of current move, no need to check all rows.

Do the same for columns to check winning condition on column.

For diagnal, if rowIdx-colIdx==0, that means the move is on top-left to right-bottom diagnal. If rowIdx+colIdx==n, that means the move is on top-right to bottom-left diagnal.

So total space is "rows array + columns array + two diagnals": O(n+n+1+1)==O(n)
For each move, time checking current row, column, and two diagnals takes O(1+1+1+1)==O(1)
class TicTacToe:

    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.row = [0] * n
        self.col = [0] * n
        self.diag = 0
        self.anti_diag = 0
        self.n = n

    def move(self, row: int, col: int, player: int) -> int:
        offset = 1 if player==1 else -1
        self.row[row] += offset
        self.col[col] += offset
        if row == col:
            self.diag += offset
        if row + col == self.n - 1:
            self.anti_diag += offset
        # if self.n in [self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag, self.anti_diag]:
        #     return 1
        # if -self.n in [self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag, self.anti_diag]:
        #     return 2
        # return 0
        if offset * self.n in [self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag, self.anti_diag]:
            return player
        return 0
class TicTacToe:
    def __init__(self, n: int):

    def move(self, row: int, col: int, player: int) -> int:
        offset = 1 if player==1 else -1
        if row-col==0:
        if row+col==self.n-1:
        if abs(self.row[row])==self.n or abs(self.col[col])==self.n \
            or abs(self.diag)==self.n or abs(self.antidiag)==self.n:
            return 1 if player==1 else 2
        return 0
# Your TicTacToe object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = TicTacToe(n)
# param_1 = obj.move(row,col,player)

class TicTacToe(object):
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.count = Counter()
        self.n = n
    def move(self, row, col, player):
        for i, x in enumerate((row, col, row+col, row-col)):
            self.count[(i, x, player)] += 1
            if self.count[(i, x, player)] == self.n:
                return player
        return 0
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