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LC 0421 [M] Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array

Code with Senpai edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 1 revision

# find the two numbers with the most opposite bits to the left side such that the result is the max 1s to the left side

class Solution:
    def findMaximumXOR(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        mask = 0
        maxres = 0
        for i in range(32,-1,-1): # we know the max is 32 1s (2^32)
            mask = mask | (1 << i) # 1000000 to keep/change/remove a desired part of the information, OR | is just adding them like += 

            found = set() # we try to find the max 1s possible by generating the set of all possible prefix
            for num in nums:
                found.add(mask & num) # we want to light up the 1s from the left in the mask with the current number
                # the & is lit up is the num is 1 for the max from the left so far in the mask
            # now the found set is essentially the complements like in 2SUM
            # so we can scan from left to right and try to fill in as many 1s
            tmp = maxres | (1 << i) # same as mask but we need a tmp so we don't alter it
            for prefix in found:
                XOR = tmp^prefix # this is 2SUM complement: a^b=c, a^c=b
                if XOR in found:
                    maxres = tmp # if we could not find the prefix in the hashset, then we do not get a bigger max result
        return maxres
    #O(32n) -> O(n)
5 ->  00101
25 -> 11001
28 -> 11100 (16 + 8 + 4)
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