clone the repository using,
git clone
Now follow these steps to run the project.
cd time_locked_ethereum_wallet
npm install
npm start
Now open your browser and go to,
You need to have metamask installed to use this project. If not installed, click on the link below,
Metamask .
Now you can interact with the Dapp.
Create a new wallet for a user2 using user1 account on metamask by entering the user2 address, unlock date and an optional Ether deposit. Confirm the transaction on metamask.
User2 can claim the balance on the wallet only after the unlock time expires. None other than user2 will be able to withdraw the amount.
Anyone can deposit Ether or Inblox token (IBT) to the wallet using the "Topup" section.
When switching between the accounts on metamask, make sure to refresh the page for the account switching to take effect.