This is my attempt to learn and try Telegram Bot API and how to connect it with other services. I have used carlo-colombo/serverless-telegram-bot-gc-functions to connect Telegram to Google Cloud.
I ended up selecting Algolia search for a backend to create an easy solution but basically any database which has some kind of search functionalities works the same way. If you want to use your own, just edit searchBeer and fetchAlko according to your needs.
- Goole Cloud account and a project.
- Enable Google cloud functions. This one may lead to some costs. Alternatively Firebase functions should work too but I haven't tried.
- Get a telegram bot token, ask it to the BotFather.
- Create an account to Algolia for search functionalities.
Create a google cloud profile and setup a cloud functions project with runtimeconfig enabled.
Edit config.js and add Botname, Google project and bucket name and Telegram token, Algolia tokens.
Run npm deployment script which will create telegram config, deploy olutbot and fetchAlko functions and sets up a webhook to telegram.
Local testing can be done with a local Cloud Functions emulator.
npm -g install @google-cloud/functions-emulator
functions start
functions deploy olutbot --trigger-http
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"message": {
"chat": {
"id": 123
"text": "Oispa kaljaa"
}' \
# To tail logs
watch functions logs read