Port of Chrono Works 4.0 physics engine to Unity3D.
Project Chrono is a c++ multi-physics simulation engine written by Radu Serban and Alessandro Tasora of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This is a work in progress port of the Chrono Physics Engine 4.0 into Unity3D by Alan Weaver.
The aim of this project is to allow developers to produce thier chrono based work within Unity as a visual project ground up rather than programmatically creating there scenes within Visual Studio, ideal for engineering and also games applications.
This also allows the developer to create graphically rich scenes for thier simulations, or allows Unity game developers to create double precision, feature rich physics for thier games.
Due to this being work in progress, features are being added daily from the original physics engine, I will list the features closer to when I am satisfied it will be accurate. So for now please refer to the original chrono project website for the features which are planned for this project in the future.