The command-line interface (CLI) that provides a set of commands to interact with the server and recognize the pattern.
Get the version of the package — pattern_recognition --version
$ pattern_recognition --version
pattern_recognition, version 0.1.0
Get all possible package's commands — pattern_recognition --help
$ pattern_recognition --help
Usage: pattern_recognition [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Command line interface for PyPi version checking.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
- Docker — Install it with the following reference.
Clone the project and move to project folder:
$ git clone && cd Pattern-recognition
If you already worked with the project, you can clean it's container and images with the following command:
$ docker rm pattern-recognition -f || true && docker rmi pattern-recognition -f || true
Run the Docker container
with the project source code in the background mode:
$ docker build -t pattern-recognition . -f Dockerfile.development
$ docker run -d --network host -v $PWD:/pattern-recognition --name pattern-recognition pattern-recognition
Enter the container bash:
$ docker exec -it pattern-recognition bash
And now being in the container, you can develop the project. For instance, run tests and linters:
$ coverage run -m pytest -vv tests
$ coverage report -m && coverage xml
$ flake8 cli && flake8 tests/
$ bash <(curl -s cli tests
When you have developed new functionality, check it with the following command. This command creates the Python package
from source code instead of installing it from the PyPi
$ pip3 uninstall -y pattern-recognition && rm -rf dist/ pattern_recognition_cli.egg-info && \
python3 sdist && pip3 install dist/*.tar.gz
So after this command, you are free to execute the command line interface as if you installed in through pip3 install
$ pattern_recognition --version
With the commands above you could test your features as if user will use it on own.
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f
To build the package and upload it to PypI to be accessible through pip, use the following commands. Twine requires the username and password of the account package is going to be uploaded to.
$ python3 sdist
$ twine upload dist/*