Do you use several commands in your terminal, one after the other? This tool allows you to combine multiple templated bash commands with the alias of your choice and many others.
Download the binary depending on your configuration here:
Then you just need to enter this command in your terminal:
tar -xf <downloaded_archive> cpad && sudo mv cpad /usr/local/bin
To be able to navigate with the directional arrows, do this :
Install rlwrap:
sudo apt install rlwrap
sudo pacman -S rlwrap
brew install rlwrap
add in your ~/.bashrc :
alias cpad='rlwrap cpad'
and save your alias with :
source ~/.bashrc
To use Cpad, you must type in your terminal :
Emoji are great, but can cause display problems on some configurations.
To enable/disable cpad take positional arguments (you only need to type it once, your preference will be saved).
π Enable
cpad 1
π Disable
cpad 0
In these examples, you will discover the following elements: -cb [cb] [?]. They are explained in the features section, but quickly :
-cb - Allows you to create a combo command.
[cb] - Is the separator between the commands.
[?] - Is a template allowing the user to give a custom argument.
Add files to a commit, set a commit message, see the changes in your repository. Push your changes to the branch of your choice.
-cb git add [?] [cb] git status [cb] git commit -m "[?]" [cb] git push origin [?] [cb] git checkout main
Here is how to use the command we just created:
Create your project setup quickly with this kind of command.
-cb mkdir [?] [cb] cd [?] [cb] touch Makefile [cb] mkdir test [cb] mkdir -p src/header [cb] touch src/
Here is how to use the command we just created:
All your configuration is saved in the .cpad file in your home folder (Don't delete it or your configuration will be too).
What you should do:
cp ~/.cpad ~/my_cpad_configuration
What your friends should do:
mv my_cpad_configuration ~/.cpad
Thanks to Paul-annet Renoux, Oceane Valat and Volham22 for their great contributions on this project.
And to Adil Zouitine, Raphael Sourty and Mehdi Zouitine for their precious advice.