scripts and configuration files for programs, window managers, and other stuff I use, kept here for safe keepings.
- xmonad - window manager
- lightdm - display manager
- picom (jonaburg fork) - X11 compositor
- alacritty - terminal
- cmus - music player
- dunst - notification daemon
- pacman - package manager
- neofetch - system information tool
- htop - task manager
- ranger - file manager
- screenkey - displays keystrokes
- spotifyd - Spotify client as a daemon
- vim plugins:
- nordtheme - vim color scheme
- nerdtree - vim tree explorer
- vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight - nerdtree syntax highlighting (duh!)
- vim-airline - vim status/tabline
- vim-airline-themes - themes for vim-airline
i'm using deus - vim-devicons - adds icons to plugins
- vim-visual-multi - sublime-like multiple cursors
- x11 configs
- scripts
- personal small apps
- and more.