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0xACAB edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 8 revisions


As there is no calendar or schedule for events maintained on this wiki, this page provides direct links to the event calendars of affiliated groups that may (or may not) list specific instances of events we help make happen.

  • Anarchism.NYC - Public events of New York anarchist and anarchist-ish groups.
  • Bluestockings - Public events of a volunteer-powered and collectively-owned radical bookstore, fair trade cafe, and activist center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
  • MACC Events - Events facilitated or posted by the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council.
  • MoRUS Event Calendar - Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space's regular events calendar.
  • New York CryptoParty Network - Meetups to answer questions and instruct people on technology and privacy.
  • Tech Learning Collective - Events - Satellite events such as workshops, skillshares, and demonstrations in collaboration with hackerspaces and other venues across New York City.
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