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Lockpicking club

0xACAB edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

WikiActivities and eventsLockpicking club

  • Tagline: A place and time for the curious to explore and overcome one of the most common technological obstacles we face in the physical world: locks.
  • Description: Lockpicking practice for the people! Come to hone your picking skills, or learn to pick your first lock. We guarantee both that you can pick a lock, and that it will fundamentally change the way you see the world. For most people, locks possess a certain near-magical significance, symbolizing permanence, safety, and openness only to those limited few who possess the right key. They serve critical social functions, such as demarcating public space from private space, claiming ownership, and broadcasting both the intent and desire of the owner. And like all social technologies, locks are inherently political: they can be used by powerful people to hoard resources, creating obstacles or barriers for the less resourced. Learning about locks (and other physical security mechanics) can be an intense intellectual exercise or just a set of fantastic fidget toys. For us, it's both! Practice locks and picks are provided. Please feel free to bring your own if you're comfortable sharing.
  • See also: CTF team, PhySec, 🌐 TOOOL NYC
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