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fabacab edited this page Feb 14, 2021 · 7 revisions


This page provides an overview of guides and advice collected in this wiki.


  1. Welcome guides
  2. Digital OPSEC guides
  3. Educational guides
  4. Research guides

Welcome guides

These guides offer an introduction to our collective practices and some guidance for what we expect of friends and comrades. By making these desires explicit, we hope it will be easier to forge and sustain mutually beneficial relationships that increase our capacity to organize against the end of the world, while nurturing the loving possibilities of a better one.

🔰💡 Throughout these texts, you will encounter icons such as the ones at the beginning of this sentence. Refer to meta § Nomenclature for the legend to these icons.

Once you have an idea of who we are and what we do, get a high-level overview of our active Projects and feel free to contribute directly.

Digital OPSEC guides

These guides offer succinct advice on various digital operational security ("OPSEC") practices you are likely to encounter as part of your contributions to our efforts.

Educational guides

These guides offer suggestions regarding your own self-education.

Research guides

These guides offer advice for how to perform research about or using digital tools and techniques.

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