- Neovim Configuration
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Neovim >= 0.10.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)
Nerd Fonts >= 3.0
Chafa (Image support for telescope preview)
- Fira-Font -
scoop install FiraCode-NF-Mono
Lualine - Neovim Bar
copilot - Copilot
Copilot-Lualine - Copilot Status Setup
Copilot-CMP - Copilot Setup
nvim-Web-Devicons - Icons
Nvim-Tree - Neovim Tree
Mini.Surround - Sorround Selection With Desired Character
LSPConfig - Keys Configuration
Telescope - Telescope
Plenary - Lua Files Setup
Telescope-File-Browser - Browsing Setup
Telescope-UI-Select - Select UI Setup
Markdown Preview - Live Markdown Preview
Nvim-CMP - Auto Complete Setup
CMP_LuaSnip - Snippet Setup
Friendly-Snippets - More Snippets
CMP-Nvim-LSP - LSP Setup
CMP-Buffer - Buffer Setup
Lspkind-Nvim - Icons for Nvim LSP
Mason-nvim - Package manager for neovim
Mason-Null-LS - Null-LS Setup
Mason-LSPConfig - LSPConfig Setup
Buffer-Line - File Tabs
Git-Signs - Git Changes Sign Bar
Treesitter - Highlight Functions
Comment - Commenter For Languages
Auto-Pair - Auto Pair Characters
Close-Tag - Close Tags
LuaSnip - Snippets
NVim-Colorizer - Color Preview
None-LS - Formatting Languages And Linter
Indent-Blankline - Indent Lines
Lspsaga - LSP UI
Nvim-NIO - Asynchronous IO
Nvim-UFO - Folding Design
- Promise-Async - Port With JavaScript Setup
Vim-Illuminate - Highlight
Dashboard-Nvim - Startup Screen
Dial - Improved Increment And Decrement
Inc-Rename - Increment Renaming
Incline - Floating statusline
Noice - UI For Messages, CMDLine, and Popmenu
Nvim-Notify - Animated Notifications
NUI - UI Component Setup
Refactoring - Refactoring
Plenary - Lua Files Setup
Treesitter - Highlight Functions Setup
๐ $HOME/AppData/Local/Nvim
| |__๐ lang
| | |__๐ All Translations Files
| |__๐ pluginDev
| | |__๐ All Personal Plugin Installation and Setup Files
| |__๐ plugins
| | |__๐ All Plugin Installation and Setup Files
| |__๐bindings.lua
| |__๐config.lua
| |__๐debug.lua
| |__๐devconfig.lua
| |__๐langMSG.lua
| |__๐lazy.lua
| |__๐theme.lua
Completion, Format, Compiler, and Linter
winget install clangd
winget install lua-language-server
npm install -g live-server
npm install -g pyright
npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server
Tailwind CSS
npm install -g tailwindcss-language-server
dotnet tool install --global csharp-ls
at the setup of llvm
pip install --upgrade autopep8
npm install -g marksman
npm install -g prettier
Python - At the installation of Python Package Manager
Rust - At the installation of Rust Package Manager
C++ - winget install -i LLVM.LLVM
- NodeJS - At the installation of NodeJS Package Manager
Because I am currently learning japanese and trying to use it daily I wanted to change the language of the setup. But knowing some people who use english may want to use my setup I have decided to add translations in the dotfiles.
When run nvim will pass the language you have set and translate it to the desired language. If no language available or translation than it will setup the default message.
Japanese is still now available. Will be coming as soon as I finish learning sufficient to bring a well translated configuration.
Format for translations:
"Message to print (message Id)": {
"msgstr (Translated message/Id)": ""
Location of translation files:
๐ $HOME/AppData/Local/Nvim/lua/andrem222/lang
|__๐ All Translations Files
[!INFO] To visualize on vim the keybindings press F5. I also documented all my custom bindings.
Debugging ๐
Problem: Icons are not showing completly
Some fonts do not work well with some color themes and can cause that issue or the terminal.
You have to try until you find the right font, switch the theme, terminal or make tweaks by yourself. Generaly fonts ending with mono work.
problem: Transparency Not Available
Check you enabled transparency in the temrinal. If you still encounter
problems then you probably have to enable it from your nvim configuration.
Dracula theme transparency is not sufficient so some tweaks are requried.
For example:
colors = {},
transparent_bg = true,
show_end_of_buffer = true,
overrides = {
EndOfBuffer = { fg = "#282A36" }
This will disable the background from dracula so transparency can be seen.
Problem: C-Sharp not running
Fix: You are required to create a project for it to work
Problem: Customize format
Look for the documentation to make the changes on the CLI.
For clang-format: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
For prettier: https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html#vue-files-script-and-style-tags-indentation
Problem: C++ compiler not working
When installing LLVM choose add to path.
Also be use clang if you are using LLVM
Problem: Markdown-Preview not installing
In case of not installing. You can go directly to the installed plugins
folder, and run the installer manually.