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What is an Assignment and Exam?

Frank Matranga edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 1 revision

In LATE, Assignments and Exams are the documents that users create and work with to track their coursework. They are very similar but are defined as separate models with separate schemas. Collectively they are referred to as assessments in code and "Coursework" on the frontend.

Their routes, model, and controller are found in /server/api/assignments and /server/api/exams.

Here are some of their important fields:

  • a unique _id
  • the type of assessment they are (assignment or exam)
  • a required title
  • a description
  • a date (exams) / dueDate (assignments)
  • the CRN of their associated course
  • the term code for the semester they are in
  • a priority
  • an array of comments
  • an estimate for how long it will take to complete/study for
  • a list of the study/work blocks scheduled for the assessment
  • (assignments) whether they are completed or not
  • (assignments) whether it is shared with other students, as well as the RCS IDs of the collaborators
  • (assignments) whether it repeats and when

Users can add assignments and exams whenever they want as long as they are not on break.