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Build rv6.alpha.3

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@AlgorithmX2 AlgorithmX2 released this 14 Jul 20:20

Feature #1480: Change storage/conversion monitor interaction. - fscan

Feature #2559: Readded InventoryTweak sorting support. - fscan

Feature #3553 Performance improvements for saveChanges() and ICellInventory. Handle with care. API break! - fscan

Feature #3609: Added a color code to the memory card. Currently used to indicate the P2P frequency. - yueh

Feature #3610: P2P tunnel frequency color indicators. - fscan

Changes #3601: Restore behaviour of ESCAPE always closing the GUI. - fscan

Changes #3604: Cache current task in Inscriber, reduce amount of GL calls in TESR. - fscan

Changes #3605: Follow forges registration guidelines for entities and oredict. Remove ore camouflage. - fscan

Changes #3618: Move some essential blocks to their own feature category. - fscan

Fixes #3221: Fix shift-double click behavior. - fscan

Fixes #3226: Cutting knife fixes. - fscan

Fixes #3611: Fixed unnecessary cell saving when cell is full. - BrockWS