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AD FMCDAQ2 Platform Prequisites

skravats edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

Several tool installations are required to build the example.  You will need the following:

  • Quartus Prime Standard® to build the project (this project uses version 18.0.0) (see below)
  • A linux virtual machine or
  • A standalone linux host with the appropriate gcc toolchain dependencies installed

Install the Intel PSG® development tools

An installation of Quartus Prime Standard® is required to build the hw reference design (this project uses version 18.0.0)

  • Download the tools from the Download Center for FPGAs
  • Make sure to select standard edition and release 18.0 in the pulldowns
  • Follow the instructions on the page.
  • To obtain a quartus license, visit the Self-Service Licensing Center. For a temporary license, select Generate Companion or Temporary Licenses in the navigation table.

Install the VM and software

Virtual Machine

A Virtual Machine (VM) running a Linux OS, is required when building the kernel, device tree and uboot for the target board. The VM needs to run inside of a player like VMware®.

CAUTION : Do not make any symbolic links in the VM to the project on Windows file system.

Getting a VM

  1. Download a VMware Workstation Player® and install it.
  2. Download the Arrow Ubuntu-64bit VM and unzip it.
  3. Open the VMware Workstation Player.
    1. Click on the "Open a Virtual Machine"
    2. Navigate to the unzipped "Ubuntu 64-bit.vmx" file and double-click it.
  4. Click "Play virtual machine". You will be asked about copying or moving it, select "I Copied it" You should see the Ubuntu 64-bit VM in the image below:

Next - Build HDL

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