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Run the Demonstration (AD FMCDAQ2)

nnaufel edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 16 revisions

Run the Demonstration

Define the host PC IP address

A wired point to point connection between the host PC and the embedded target is required. Use the DHCP server utility to setup the host and target IP addresses. The target should be powered up for at least 30 seconds before the DHCP server utility is launched.

  • Find the dhcp_server folder which contains the DHCP Server,
  • Right-click the JESD204B_Demo.bat file and select "Run As Administrator" and agree to it,
  • Follow the instructions in the DHCP server command window until you arrive to the screen below and select the option that represents the appropriate Ethernet controller. Note You may need to keep pressing the "Enter" key until the "Ethernet" port shows up.

In the example below option 6 is the correct choice:

  • Wait until it starts listening

  • IP address is allocated to the target

Launch IIO Oscilloscope

Note: IIO Oscilloscope creates a .osc_profile.ini file in the home directory. The next time IIO Oscilloscope is opened, the existence of this file delays connection to the target. It is recommended to delete the .osc_profile.ini (if it exists) prior to launching IIO Oscilloscope.

Launch IIO Oscilloscope

Connect to the target

  • Select the Remote Devices option and enter the IP address and click the Refresh button..
  • A successful connection results in discovery of the IIO devices. Press OK to continue.

Load a demonstration profile

Transmit DDS Waveforms

The IIO Oscilloscope includes Transmit / Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) waveform controls. Users specify, through the GUI, a selection of waveforms to be transmitted.

Transmit a One CW tone

  • Select the One CW Tone option in the DDS mode pulldown menu
  • Select an appropriate frequency in MHz. 5-20 MHz is suitable for the demo profile.
  • Select a Scale of -12 dB (default)

View the waveform

View the wave in the time domain:

  • Switch to the Plot window. Add a Plot window if necessary. File --> New Plot
  • In the Plot Channels section select voltage0_i and voltage_q
  • In the Plot Type section select the Time Domain mode and 64 Samples
  • Press the Capture / Stop button for a continuous waveform. Press the Single Shot capture to obtain a snapshot.

View the wave in the frequency domain:

  • In the Plot Type section select the Frequency Domain mode.
  • Select a 4096 FFT Size and set Average to 10.
  • Press the Capture / Stop button for a continuous display of the spectrum.
  • Right click in the display plot and select Peak Markers

Transmit Two CW tones

  • Select the Two CW Tones option in the DDS mode pulldown menu
  • Select appropriate frequencies in MHz. 5 and 10 MHz are suitable oices.
  • Select a Scale of -12 dB (default)

View the waveform

View the wave in the time domain:

  • Switch to the Plot window. Add a Plot window if necessary. File --> New Plot
  • In the Plot Channels section select voltage0_i and voltage_q
  • In the Plot Type section select the Time Domain mode and 64 Samples
  • Press the Capture / Stop button for a continuous waveform. Press the Single Shot capture to obtain a snapshot.

View the wave in the frequency domain:

  • In the Plot Type section select the Frequency Domain mode.
  • Select a 4096 FFT Size and set Average to 10.
  • Press the Capture / Stop button for a continuous display of the spectrum.
  • Right click in the display plot and select Peak Markers

Transmit Complex waveforms

  • Select the DAC Buffer Output option in the DDS mode pulldown menu
  • Select qam16_20M waveform
  • Select DAC Channels voltage0 and voltage1

View the wave in the frequency domain:

  • In the Plot Type section select the Frequency Domain mode.
  • Select a 4096 FFT Size and set Average to 10.
  • Press the Capture / Stop button for a continuous display of the spectrum.

Change the file selection to LTE20

Create Plots

Shutting down the demo

  • Connect the USB cable provided in the box to the CONSOLE port of the baseboard (marked as such with silkscreen)

  • Launch a linux terminal (like Tera Term VT or Putty) and connect using serial port

  • Select 115200 baud

  • Power down the target. At the linux prompt, type

      $ poweroff  
  • Wait until the linux terminal shows

      $ reboot : System Halted
  • Turn power off to the iWave Carrier Card with the power switch

  • Close out IIO Oscilloscope and all associated windows

  • Switch to the DHCP server command window and hit any key to terminate (it takes 2 times)

Important: DO NOT just click 'X' on the DHCP server command window to close it as it will not properly end the script and restore proper settings to the PC

Prev- Install Required Software

Next Steps -
      Explore the AD-FMCDAQ2 Platform Architecture
      Build the AD-FMCDAQ2 Example Design

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