A quick and dirty parser for an even dirtier language. YAL is the language used to describe the MCNC benchmark netlist circuits. See the YAL documentation for further details.
The example/example.yal
is taken from the
YAL documentation.
import yal
modules = yal.read('./example/example.yal')
See the API documentation for more information.
$ yal2yaml ./example/example.yal > ./exmaple/example.yaml
$ cat ./example/example.yal | yal2yaml > ./example/example.yaml
If the the set of *.yal
files comprising the MCNC data set are in a folder
called mcnc
they can be converted to *.yaml
like so:
for y in ./mcnc/*.yal; do yal2yaml $y > "${y%.yal}.yaml"; done
From git with pip:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/augustunderground/pyal.git
From source with pip:
$ git clone https://github.com/augustunderground/pyal.git
$ cd pyal
$ pip install . --use-feature=in-tree-build
Due to the conflicting defintions of the YAL grammar a slightly revised version is used here:
modulename ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;
moduletype ::= "STANDARD" | "PAD" | "GENERAL" | "PARENT" | "FEEDTHROUGH" ;
width ::= [0-9]+ ;
height ::= [0-9]+ ;
signalname ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;
terminaltype ::= "I" | "O" | "B" | "PI" | "PO" | "PB" | "F" | "PWR" | "GND" ;
side ::= "BOTTOM" | "RIGHT" | "TOP" | "LEFT" ;
layer ::= "PDIFF" | "NDIFF" | "POLY" | "METAL1" | "METAL2" ;
xposition ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
yposition ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
position ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
instancename ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;
xlocation ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
ylocation ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
current ::= -?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? ;
voltage ::= -?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? ;
maximumlength ::= [0-9]+ ;
reflection ::= "RFLNONE" | "RFLY" ;
rotation ::= "ROT0" | "ROT90" | "ROT180" | "ROT270" ;
dimension ::= x y ;
dimensions ::= dimension+ ;
x ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
y ::= -?[0-9]+ ;
io ::= signalname terminaltype ( xposition yposition [ width layer ]
| side position [ width layer ] )
[ "CURRENT" current ] [ "VOLTAGE" voltage ] ;
ios ::= (io ';')+ ;
network ::= instancename modulename signalname (net+) ;
networks ::= (network ';')+ ;
net ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;
placement ::= instancename xlocation ylocation [reflection] [rotation] ;
placements ::= (placement ';')+ ;
critnet ::= signalname maximumlength ;
critnets ::= (critnet ';')+ ;
module ::= 'MODULE' modulename ';'
'TYPE' moduletype ';'
'DIMENSIONS' dimensions ';'