This package help you to easily setup your project.
Take a look at to see the todo list.
Via Composer
$ composer require --dev ayctor/laravel-starter
You can install the starter presets with interactive questions.
$ php artisan starter:install
Or you can install the starter presets with direct options. Check the --help option for the list of available presets.
$ php artisan starter:install --auth=fortify --ui=vue,inertia
Finally, you can just install the basic starter presets without options and interactive questions.
$ php artisan starter:install --no-interaction
The basic presets contains the following packages:
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
- nunomaduro/larastan
- laravel/telescope
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss
And some other stuff like Bitbucket Pipelines config, Gitlab Pipelines config, SVG blade component, eslint, GTM config, etc.
Make sure you have your auth.json file setup with your authentication data.
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Create your project in Bugsnag and add the given API key into your .env file.
Create your project in Sentry and add the given DSN key into your .env file.
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
This preset bring with vue, webpack loader and eslint plugin. You can easily add your components in the resources/js/bootstrap.js file.
Check the documentation to install required optimization tools:
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Check the documentation to customize the default setup:
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email us instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see the license file for more information.