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Main Actionbar

Bioeden edited this page May 18, 2014 · 8 revisions

MTT Main Actionbar (French)

Main Actionbar

####Buttons with right click

Actionbar gives access to the common operation that you want to do everyday.
This buttons have 2 ways to trigger an action, when you click with the left mouse button (LMB) or with the right mouse button (RMB).
Each action have a shortcut associated.


  • LMB or r : reload selected textures
  • RMB or crtl+alt+r : reload all textures


  • LMB or s : change Maya selection to the selected textures
  • RMB or crtl+alt+s : open the Attribute Editor with the selected texture


  • LMB or n : rename selected textures with the filename
  • RMB or crtl+alt+n : rename all textures with their respective filename


  • LMB or v : open selected textures in your external image viewer (based on OS association)
  • RMB or crtl+alt+v : open the internal Viewer


this button can be toggle between Edit and Source via the option menu

  • Edit e : open selected textures in your image editor
  • Source e : try to find source images of the selected textures in the folder specified in the configuration file, and then open it in your image editor
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