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Bioeden edited this page May 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

MTT Toolbar (French)



Filters offers the possibility to shorten the list shown in the table view

  • Define a group of textures to work with and hide others
  • Display textures linked to the shader attached to the current selection
  • Hide referenced textures
  • Hide read-only file textures
  • Display node's name clashing with the file texture's name
  • Display only one instance per file


Visibility buttons alters look of the displayed information

  • Highlight node's name clashing with the file texture's name
  • Hide path of the filename
  • Hide node namespace


Shortcuts to open folders

  • Open the 'sourceimages' folder
  • Open the source folder define in configuration file


Do stuff for you

  • Auto reload file when file is changed
  • Auto select texture node when selection is performed in table view
  • Auto rename texture node with filename when attribute is changed


A set of useful tools

####Maya Shortcuts

A quick access to some Maya Editors

  • Open Hypershade
  • Open Node Editor
  • Open UV Texture Editor


A simple statistic report

  • Display file count versus node count
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