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Table View

Bioeden edited this page May 17, 2014 · 7 revisions

Table View

####Columns Content

  • Node Name : name of the texture node
  • Type : nice name of the node type
  • R : display if a node comes from a reference
    is a reference
    is not a reference
  • W : texture file state
    is a read only file
    is a writable file
    is a missing file
  • # : number of instance of the file texture
  • File : file path

####Columns visibility

You can hide columns by right clicking on column header.

Table View Menu

  • Open Files in ImageEditor
    Open selected files in your image editor
  • Open Source Files in ImageEditor
    Open source files relatives to the selected files in your image editor
  • Open Folders
    Open folders of the selected files
  • Select Objects Using Texture Nodes
    Select objects wich are connected to the selected nodes
  • Select Objects Using Texture Files
    Select objects wich are connected to the selected nodes and their instances
  • Convert to Relative Path
    Convert file path to relative path.
    Attribute Editor and MTT show by default the workspace relative path when it's possible. With this option, you can really change the path. This can be useful when your work in a team with different workspace path and you have tools that needs the same path.
    • Maya store the full path in the file :
    • The Attribute Editor show the relative path, if you have set "my_worpace" as project :
    • Once you used this option, the file and the Attribute Editor will have :
  • Convert to Absolute Path
    Revert relative path to absolute path.
  • Convert to Custom Path
    Change the path to a new location. Useful when your texture are missing in combination of the next option.
  • Copy Files to "sourceimages"
    If you have files outside of the current workspace, this function copy selected files to the current "sourceimages" folder and remove the read-only.
  • Rename Files with Node Name
    Rename files on the disk with the name of the nodes names
  • Rename Files with Custom Name
    Rename files on the disk with the name you enter in a prompt dialog
  • Toggle Read-Only
    Option for power users. Hide by default.
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