GPCE (General Purpose Command Executor) is a command executor for many purposes, but it is no longer under development.
Download the bash or dotnet installer from
Shows list of commands and a brief description of each of them.
help ENTER
Displays the time and date.
Exits GPCE.
exit ENTER and then PRESS ANY KEY
Clears the console.
clear ENTER
Gets the local host's name and displays it.
pcname ENTER
Displays the version of the system that GPCE is running on.
osver ENTER
Asks for two numbers and prints the sum.
sum ENTER first number ENTER second number ENTER
Asks for two numbers and prints the difference.
diff ENTER first number ENTER second number ENTER
Asks for two numbers and prints the product.
prod ENTER first number ENTER second number ENTER
Asks for two numbers and prints the quotient.
div ENTER first number ENTER second number ENTER
Asks for two numbers and prints the remainder after division.
rem ENTER first number ENTER second number ENTER
Allows you to write to a file. If the file doesn't exist, it returns an error. \n is used for a new line, \t for a tab and \\ for a backslash. This command is not recommended to use unless you are appending a quick line to a file, it is extremely tedious to use! When saving, asks for an append or overwrite method. Append is the default. Press 'O' for overwrite.
fwrite ENTER file name ENTER file content ENTER edit method ENTER
Deletes a file.
fdel ENTER file name ENTER
Opens a file with the associated program.
fopen ENTER file name ENTER
Prints the contents of a file.
ftype ENTER file name ENTER
Displays the path that GPCE was called/opened from.
Downloads a file from the web to the local machine. The http (and others) part is required if downloaded from the web, but the /index.html part is not. Also works on local files, so it is very useful for copying and renaming files.
fdl ENTER web url ENTER new file name ENTER
Shows contact information about me.
contact ENTER
Displays license.
license ENTER
Extracts a zip archive to a destination directory.
extract ENTER archive file name ENTER destination folder ENTER
Compresses a directory into a zip archive.
compress ENTER directory to compress ENTER resultant archive name ENTER
GPCE is no longer in active development. The first release (v1.0) is out. See
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