Classic game Snake implemented in Windows Console using modern C++, including features such as ranking, game-saving, theme-customizing and map-customizing.
The game support 4 languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese.
This project is developed for my C++ learning and practicing😊.
This Project could only be built on Windows, requires Visual Studio 2022.
To build the Project, Clone this repo to local. Then clone Cryptopp, which is the dependency of the project, to the directory ..\cryptopp\cryptopp\ . After that you could built it in VS with config Release.
- -nolimit: freely adjust the width and height of Console.
- -oldconsole: enable the compatibility of old console host.
- -awesome: force enable colorful title.
btw: press 'A' or 'F1' in menu to show the About page.