Next generation sequencing and bioinformatic and genomic analysis at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is not CLIA validated at this time. These workflows and their outputs are not to be used for diagnostic purposes and should only be used for public health action and surveillance purposes. CDPHE is not responsible for the incorrect or inappropriate use of these workflows or their results.
The following documentation describes the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's workflows for the assembly and analysis of whole genome sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2 on GCP's platform. Workflows are written in WDL and can be imported into a workspace through dockstore (see Setup section below:
Our SARS-CoV-2 whole genome reference-based assembly workflows are highly adaptable and facilitate the assembly and analysis of tiled amplicon based sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2. The workflows can accommodate various amplicon primer schemes including Artic V3, Artic V4, Artic V4.1, Artic V5.3.2 and Midnight, as well as different sequencing technology platforms including both Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT).
Below is a list of available and maintained workflows and a brief description of the workflow. A full description of each workflow can be found on each workflow's readme page.
Workflow Name | Description |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly |
SARS-CoV-2 reference based assembly of Illumina pair-end data. |
SC2_ont_assembly |
SARS-CoV-2 reference based assembly of Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) data. |
SC2_lineage_calling_and_results |
Performs lineage calling on SARS-CoV-2 consensus sequences using Pangolin and Nextclade and generates a summary report of assembly metrics. Should be run following an assembly workflow. |
SC2_wastewater_variant_calling |
Uses Freyja to recover relative lineage abundances from wastewater samples which are considered mixed SARS-CoV-2 samples. |
SC2_novel_mutations |
Uses mutation outputs from Freyja to detect novel and recurrent mutations in wastewater samples. |
SC2_multifasta_lineage_calling |
Performs lineage calling on SARS-CoV-2 consensus sequences using Pangolin. |
Sequence assembly and lineage calling for clinical SC2 samples requires two workflows (see figure 1). We first run either the SC2_illumina_pe_assembly
or SC2_ont_assembly
workflow, which performs quality control, trimming, and filtering of raw reads, followed by reference-guided whole genome assembly, and finally transfer of intermediate files and consensus sequences to a local GCP bucket for storage. Next, we run the SC2_lineage_calling_and_results
which uses Pangolin and Nextclade to perform clade and lineage assignment on the consensus assemblies and produce a results summary file for the set of sequences analyzed.
If you already have a multifasta, you can use the SC2_multifasta_lineage_calling
workflow for clade and lineage assignment.
Sequence assembly, variant calling, and mutation analysis for wastewater SC2 samples requires four workflows (See figure 1). Similar to our process for clinical SC2 samples, we first run either the SC2_illumina_pe_assembly
or SC2_ont_assembly
workflow, which performs quality control, trimming, and filtering of raw reads, followed by reference-guided whole genome assembly, and finally transfer of intermediate files and consensus sequences to a local GCP bucket for storage. Next, we run the SC2_lineage_calling_and_results
workflow which uses Pangolin and Nextclade to perform clade and lineage assignment on the consensus assemblies and produces a results summary file for the set of sequences analyzed. Then we run the SC2_wastewater_variant_calling
workflow which uses Freyja to recover relative lineage abundances from wastewater samples, which are considered mixed SC2 samples. Finally, we run the SC2_novel_mutations
workflow which uses the mutation outputs from Freyja to detect novel and recurrent mutations in wastewater samples and to keep track of each mutation over time.
Figure 1. High level overview of workflow process for clinical and wastewater SC2 samples.
To use the workflow on the Terra platform, first you will need to import the workflow from Dockstore. All workflows can be found under our dockstore organization called CDPHE-bioinformatics.
- Go to dockstore (
- Along the top search bar click on Organizations and search for "CDPHE".
- Select the workflow.
- On the right hand side of the workflow description, select "Launch with Terra".
- Select the Destination workspace and select "Import".
- The workflow will now be displayed as a card under your workflows tab in your Terra workspace.
Prior to running any of the workflows, you must set up the Terra workspace data with the correct reference files and custom python scripts. The reference files can be found in this repository in the data/workspace_data
directory. Python scripts can be found in the scripts
directory. Workspace variables are named using the following format {organism}_{description}_{file_type}
, except for the primer bed files which are named as {description}_{file_type}
. Reference files and python scripts should be copied from this repo into a GCP bucket. The GCP bucket path to the file will serve as the "value" when adding data to the terra workspace data table.
To add data to the terra workspace data:
- Navigate to the Data tab in your Terra workspace.
- In the left hand list of data tables, under "Other Data" select "Workspace Data".
- Click on the "+" button in the lower right hand corner of the workspace data table.
- Fill in the "Key" column with the workspace variable name, the "Value" column with GCP bucket path to the file and the "Description" column with a brief description if desired.
- Once complete hit the check mark to the right.
Below is a data table detailing the workspace data you will need to set up in order to run the SC2 workflows.
workspace variable name | workflow | file name | description |
adapters_and_contaminants_fa |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly |
Adapters_plus_PhiX_174.fasta | adapters sequences and containment sequences removed during fastq cleaning and filtering using SeqyClean. Thanks to Erin Young at Utah Public Health Laboratory for providing this file! |
artic_v3_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_V3_nCoV-2019.primer.bed | primer bed file for the Artic V3 tiled amplicon primer set. Thanks to Theiagen Genomics for providing this file! |
artic_v4_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_V4_nCoV-2019.primer.bed | primer bed file for the Artic V4 tiled amplicon primer set. Thanks to Theiagen Genomics for providing this file! |
artic_v4-1_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_V4-1_nCoV-2019.primer.bed | primer bed file for the Artic V4.1 tiled amplicon primer set. Thanks to Theiagen Genomics for providing this file! |
artic_v4-1_s_gene_amplicons |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_v4_1_s_gene_amplicons.tsv | coordinate positions of S gene amplicons using the artic V4.1 primers |
artic_v4-1_s_gene_primer_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
S_gene_V4-1_nCoV-2021.primer.bed | primer sequences and coordinate positions of primer binding region of Artic v4.1 primers |
artic_v5-3-2_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_v5-3-2_nCoV-2023.primer.bed | primer bed file for the Artic V5.3.2 tiled amplicon primer set. |
artic_v5-3-2_s_gene_amplicons |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
artic_v5-3-2_s_gene_amplicons.tsv | coordinate positions of S gene amplicons using the artic V5.3.2 primers |
artic_v5-3-2_s_gene_primer_bed |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly |
S_gene_V5-3-2_nCoV-2021.primer.bed | primer sequences and coordinate positions of primer binding region of Artic v5.3.2 primers |
midnight_bed |
SC2_ont_assembly |
Midnight_Primers_SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed | primer bed file for the Midnight tiled amplicon primer set. Thanks to Theiagen Genomics for providing this file! |
covid_genome_fa |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly , SC2_wastewater_variant_calling |
MN908947-2_reference.fasta | SARS-CoV-2 whole genome reference sequence in fasta format (we use NCBI genbank ID MN908947.3) |
covid_genome_gff |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly , SC2_wastewater_variant_calling |
NC_045512-2_reference.gff | whole genome reference sequence annotation file in gff format (we use NCBI genbank ID MN908947.3) |
covid_genome_gff_mutations |
SC2_novel_mutations |
novel_mutations_gff.tsv | tsv formatted version of covid_genome_gff for use with novel_mutations_append_py |
covid_voc_annotations_tsv |
SC2_wastewater_variant_calling workflow |
SC2_voc_annotations_20220711.tsv | For wastewater only. List of amino acid (AA) substitutions and lineages containing those AA substitutions; for a lineage to be associated with a given AA substitution, 90% of publicly available sequences must contain the AA substitution (the 90% cutoff was determined using |
covid_voc_bed_tsv |
SC2_wastewater_variant_calling workflow |
SC2_voc_mutations_20220711.tsv | For wastewater only. List of nucleotide genome positions in relation to the MN908947.3 reference genome of know mutations |
covid_calc_per_cov_py |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly , SC2_ont_assembly | | see detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts/ repo directory |
covid_nextclade_json_parser_py |
SC2_lineage_calling_and_results | | see detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts/ repo directory |
covid_concat_results_py |
SC2_lineage_calling_and_results | | see detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts repo directory |
covid_novel_mutations_append_py |
SC2_novel_mutations | | see detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts/ repo directory |
covid_version_capture_illumina_pe_assembly_py |
SC2_illumina_pe_assembly | | generates version capture output file for software versions used in the SC2_illumina_pe_assembly workflow |
covid_version_capture_ont_assembly_py |
SC2_ont_assembly | | generates version capture output file for software versions used in the SC2_ont_assembly workflow |
covid_version_capture_lineage_calling_py |
SC2_lineage_calling_and_results | | generates version capture output file for software versions used in the SC2_lineage_calling_and_results workflow |
covid_version_capture_wastewater_variant_calling_py |
SC2_wastewater_variant_calling | | generates version capture output file for software versions used in the SC2_wastewater_variant_calling workflow |
covid_version_capture_multifasta_lineage_calling_py |
SC2_multifasta_lineage_calling | | generates version capture output file for software versions used in the SC2_multifasta_lineage_calling workflow |
novel_mutations_historical_full |
SC2_novel_mutations | | for wastewater only. See detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts/ repo directory |
novel_mutations_historical_unique |
SC2_novel_mutations | | for wastewater only. See detailed description in the readme file found in ./python_scripts/ repo directory |