I'm Camille from France, I am a web developer. I really enjoy learning languages and frameworks like React and Express... I also enjoy UX and UI design and find inspiration in the best worldwide websites.
- ⚛ Vue.js / React / Nuxt / NextJs
- 🖼 HTML / CSS (SASS) / Javscript / TypeScript
- 👨🏾💻 Node / Express / NestJs / GraphQl / TypeOrm / Prisma
- 📂 MongoDB / PostgreSql
- 🎮 ThreeJS
- 🔭 I’m currently working for Valiuz, in Lille France
- 🌱 I’mworking on application authentification security
- 💬 Ask me about whatever you want
- 📫 How to reach me: camillesylla.web@gmail.com