Stardust DDTank Multi-terminal Auxiliary-tools
- This project 👉 Stardust-DDTank Multi-terminal Auxiliary-tools
- Initialized by dive ⊶ 👉 Presentation on course「physics and the future of mankind」
- Corresponding career ⊂ 👉 undergraduate courses
- Participated in competition ⊷ 👉 Self Competitions
- Corresponding career ⊂ 👉 undergraduate activities
- Adopt language ⊷ 👉「EPL - Easier Programming Language」
- Also adopted by project ⊶ 👉 The emulator end「Hang-up Assist」for Game「Dueling City」
- Adopt language ⊷ 👉「E4A - Easier For Android」
- Initialized by dive ⊶ 👉 Presentation on course「physics and the future of mankind」
- 中文「自述文档」㊥ 👉 「星尘弹弹堂」全平台辅助
- Mathematical model: External ballistic model with air resistance proportional to -kv
- other model ✉ 👉 浅析弹弹堂物理模型, 👉 制作十万个数据的力度表?
- Detail highlights: muzzle position, left and right trident trajectory, abnormal throwing tactics, etc.
- Quick buttons: Take action within 10 seconds, with appropriate button combinations
- Minimum steps, fastest shortcut, maximum amount of information
- All platforms: Web, Mobile (Android; iOS currently unavailable), Android Emulators
- When「Eimulator」or「Game Webpage」is turned on, click the Auxiliary's「Start」button
- Ensure that there is no obstruction in the middle of the screen, which is directly the「Eimulator」or「Game Webpage」
- The auxiliary will check the window
- Ensure that there is no obstruction in the middle of the screen, which is directly the「Eimulator」or「Game Webpage」
- After starting the assistance, the「instruction manual」will pop up
- Press the Tab key to「open or close」the instruction manual
- To use the auxiliary, follow the「button sequence」instructions in the manual
- This project 👉 Stardust-DDTank Multi-terminal Auxiliary-tools was built
- (Personal time) by 19~20-year-old little Xie
- (Personal stage) during (1.0 - 2.5) / 4.0 year in college
- (World time) in 2017 - 2018