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A lightweight library for encoding categorical features in your dataset with robust k-fold target statistics in training with credibility filtering, and custom statistics.


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target statistic encoding


from pypi

pip install target-statistic-encoding

from source

python -m pip install git+


There are many means to convert categorical features to numeric ones from one-hot to embeddings. Then there are target statistic methods. These methods take statistics based on the target feature.


Even within this simple technique there is variation in implementations. Some implement a time-mimicking approach such as Catboost to gain robustness over target leakage. However, one issue with this approach is that while it introduces some variation to the encoding, for a some samples the statistic is possibly excessively biased. This small package takes a different approach for this reason. Instead, it uses stratified folds of the training set and aggregates target statistics on each fold independently.

Benefits of this implementation

  • stratified split target statistic helps prevent target leakage thus making your models more robust
  • credibility factor allows categories with low support to be ignored additionally making your models more robust
  • clean api
  • variety of target statistic functions in addition to allowing custom implemented ones
  • easy productionalization - everything is 100% serializable with pickle ex.
    #save for prod/test time environment
    pd.to_pickle(cat2num, "cat2num_for_production.pkl")
    #read into prod env


This is just a simple utility library that performs the following sample operation: See this example notebook

keep in mind this is simply an example. The example target is random here so no real signal is expected example usage



Init signature:
    cat_vars: List[str],
    target_var: str,
    stat_func: target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.stat_funcs._StatFunc = <function mean.<locals>.stat_func at 0x7fea58a85950>,
    cat_vars (List[str]): a list of strings representing the categorical features to be encoded
    target_var (str): string of the name of the target feature in `data`
    stat_func (optional Function(*args, **kwargs) -> Function({pd.Series, pd.DataFrameGroupBy}) -> {float, pd.Series})): function which returns a closure to aggregate statistics over target - default stat_funcs.mean()


prefer.fit_transform on your training set

Note: running .fit followed by .transform on your training set is not equivalent to simply running .fit_transform. There wil be no differentiation amongst category statistics as they will all be mapped to the mean.

    data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
    split: str = None,
    n_splits: int = 5,
    credibility: Union[float, int] = 0,
    drop: bool = False,
    suffix: str = '_Cat2Num',
    inplace: bool = False,

    data (pd.DataFrame): pandas dataframe with categorical features to convert to numeric target statistic
    split (str): name of a column to use in the data for folding the data.
        - if this is use then n_splits is ignored
    n_splits (int): number of splits to use for target statistic
    credibility (float or int):
        - if float must be in [0, 1] as % of fitting data considered credible to fit statistic to
        - if int must be >=0 as number of records in fitting data level must exist within to be credible
        - levels not above this threshold will be given the overall target mean
    drop (bool): drop the original columns
    suffix (str): a string to append to the end of an encoded column, default `'_Cat2Num'`
    inplace (bool): whether the transformation should be done inplace or return the transformed data, default `False`

    the passed dataframe with encoded columns added if inplace is `False` else `None`
    data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
    credibility: Union[float, int] = 0,

    data (pd.DataFrame): pandas dataframe with categorical features to fit numeric target statistic from
    credibility (float or int):
        - if float must be in [0, 1] as % of fitting data considered credible to fit statistic to
        - if int must be >=0 as number of records in fitting data level must exist within to be credible
        - levels not above this threshold will be given the overall target mean

    fit Cat2Num instance

use .transform on your non-training set

    data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
    drop: bool = False,
    suffix: str = '_Cat2Num',
    inplace: bool = False,

    data (pd.DataFrame): pandas dataframe with categorical features to convert to numeric target statistic
    drop (bool): drop the original columns
    suffix (str): a string to append to the end of an encoded column, default `'_Cat2Num'`
    inplace (bool): whether the transformation should be done inplace or return the transformed data, default `False`

    the passed dataframe with encoded columns added if inplace is `False` else `None`

Custom target statistic functions

You may optionally opt for a target statistic based on a statistic other than the mean although this is usually unwanted/unnecessary.

Several are included and you can implement your own with a few considerations.


  • mean (target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.Mean()) - the default
  • median (target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.Median())
  • std (target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.Std())
  • var (target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.Var())
  • quantile (target_statistic_encoding.stat_funcs.Quantile(quantile=0.5))

Implement your own:

You may optionally implement your own target statistic function. It must be a callable that operates on the pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby type i.e. the result of a pandas.DataFrame.groupby e.g.: something akin to

a 0.287356
b 0.298795
c 0.336879
d 0.287037


A lightweight library for encoding categorical features in your dataset with robust k-fold target statistics in training with credibility filtering, and custom statistics.








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