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Source Installation

For a docker image instead, see the next section.

  • Install ROS
  • cd <your_catkin_ws>/src>
  • Clone this project: git clone
  • Navigate back to the catkin works pace root: cd ..
  • Install dependencies: rosdep install -iry --from-paths src
  • Build the platform: catkin_make
  • Done. Now you can run one of the modes in the section below.

Alternative Install: Docker Installation

To get the environment in docker, simply run

docker run -it --rm --privileged --net=host concavegit/concaveturret

and run a mode of operation described below in the prompt.

Modes of Operation

Monocular Motion Tracking

roslaunch concaveteam trackmono.launch
View annotated image
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view trackmono
View published point
rosrun rviz rviz, hit Add, select PointStamped, expand the triangle under the new PointStamped heading on the left, and select /target.. You will need to zoom out, point the camera along the axis, and increase the radius of the point to around 100 for an easy view.

This publishes an annotated image with moving objects circled in /monotrack, the most significant point in image coordinates called target, and the spherical angles denoting the location of the coordinates in degrees in aim

Stereo Vision

Launch stereo setup

Mount the cameras. Plug in , in order, the left camera, and then the right camera.
Launch the nodes
roslaunch concaveteam stereo.launch
View disparity map
rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=stereo/disparity=

This publishes a disparity map from our camera setup, as well as a point cloud in /stereo/points2 which can be viewed in RVIZ.