This is an example of developing CoppeliaSim plugins using simStubsGen and simPlusPlus.
Callbacks signature and documentation are specified using a single XML file (callbacks.xml). The build tool will generate additional .cpp and .h files to be compiled along the project, and .html file for the documentation.
- Install required packages for simStubsGen: see simStubsGen's README
- Checkout, compile and install into CoppeliaSim:
$ git clone
$ cd simSkel
$ git checkout coppeliasim-v4.5.0-rev0
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build .
$ cmake --install .
NOTE: replace coppeliasim-v4.5.0-rev0
with the actual CoppeliaSim version you have.