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Developed with the software and tools below.

JavaScript HTML5

🔗 Quick Links

📂 Repository Structure

└── meme/
    ├── c.css
    ├── img
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   └── u.jpeg
    ├── index.html
    └── j.js

🚀 Getting Started


Ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • CSS

⚙️ Installation

  1. Clone the meme repository:
git clone
  1. Change to the project directory:
cd meme

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Here are several ways you can contribute:

Contributing Guidelines
  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the project repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone Locally: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a Git client.
    git clone
  3. Create a New Branch: Always work on a new branch, giving it a descriptive name.
    git checkout -b new-feature-x
  4. Make Your Changes: Develop and test your changes locally.
  5. Commit Your Changes: Commit with a clear message describing your updates.
    git commit -m 'Implemented new feature x.'
  6. Push to GitHub: Push the changes to your forked repository.
    git push origin new-feature-x
  7. Submit a Pull Request: Create a PR against the original project repository. Clearly describe the changes and their motivations.

Once your PR is reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the main branch.
