Serverless AWS API using Zappa for the Feedsearch Crawler Python package.
Live at
Install Pipenv.
Install and configure the AWS CLI.
The following environment variables are required:
USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Feedsearch-Crawler; +"
SERVER_NAME="" #Exclude this value in dev for localhost
- USER_AGENT : HTTP User-Agent string.
- FLASK_S3_BUCKET_NAME : The name of the S3 bucket that serves static files.
- DYNAMODB_TABLE : The name of the DynamoDB table for storing found feeds.
- SERVER_NAME : The host url of the site.
For local development, add the environment variables to a .env
For production or testing in AWS, add them to the Environment Variables in Lambda, either directly
or in in the zappa_settings.json
Update the other settings in the zappa_settings.json
file as required.
Run the
python3 scripts/
Run the dev server:
export FLASK_APP=gateway/
export FLASK_DEBUG=true
flask run
Upload static assets to S3:
export FLASK_APP=gateway/
flask upload
Deploy with:
zappa update production