I'm live in Russia, and when spotify was opened in my country
I was so happy because it's music service have awesome features like music tracks transitions, switch devices on fly and etc.
And they leave us country (of course you know why)
But! I have so many music that not in library spotify or others music players,
and I also love "perfect transitions" between two tracks, spotify only allow you to edit default time for transition.
As the result I start create this project,
Don't take it as anger to spotify or other music players I just have time and power for this And of course I don't plan make money on this, just creating a player in spotify design, have fun!
- add creating tracks page (working, need to be editied for albums and artists)
- add music player page like one page app (edditing design, player works)
- add transitions for different tracks (added default transition at the moment)
- up -
docker-compose up --build
, note that--build
not always - create database in adminer, name -
and collation isutf8mb4_unicode_ci
- go to container -
docker-compose exec docker_backend bash
- in docker container:
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan moonshine:user
Note, for use app, url will be smth like that -
generate model based on table from DB
php artisan code:models --table=}}Table Name{{
generate controller
php artisan make:controller }}Name{{Controller --resource
generate views (need svenluijten/artisan-view)
php artisan make:view index
Connect to MySQL.exe (I have it in mariaDB)
C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.8\bin> ./mysql -uroot -p
Create database with your name in env file
create database sukify
php artisan key:generate
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
php artisan storage:link
php artisan serve
php artisan route:clear
php artisan db:seed
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve --host=