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  • vimgifs (source)
  • vimrcfu
  • vivify - A ColorScheme Editor for Vim
  • vim-visual-star-search - Start a * or # search from a visual block
  • vim-commentary - commentary.vim: comment stuff out
  • tpope-vim-abolish - abolish.vim: easily search for, substitute, and abbreviate multiple variants of a word
  • vim-test - Run your tests at the speed of thought
  • vim-endwise - endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc
  • vim-surround - surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple
  • vim-projectionist - projectionist.vim: project configuration
  • FlyGrep - Searching on the fly
  • SpaceVim is a community-driven vim distribution that seeks to provide layer feature, especially for neovim
  • goyo - Distraction-free writing in Vim
  • limelight.vim - 🔦 All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players
  • denite.nvim - 🐉 Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
  • vim-galore - Just another vim book
  • vim-easymotion - Vim motions on speed!
  • vim-sneak - The missing motion for Vim
  • committia.vim - A Vim plugin for more pleasant editing on commit messages
  • jedi-vim - Using the jedi autocompletion library for VIM.
  • traces.vim - Range, pattern and substitute preview for Vim
  • vim-highlightedyank - Make the yanked region apparent!
  • fzf.vim - fzf ❤️ vim
  • vimcolors
  • vim-hardtime - Plugin to help you stop repeating the basic movement keys
  • org.vim - is a very minimal Org mode and Outline mode plugin for Vim providing only syntax highlighting and folding.
  • markdown-preview.nvim - markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim
    • synchronised scrolling, fast async updates, latex, plantuml, mermaid, etc.
  • vim-quickrun - execute selected parts of code
  • vim-no-color-collections - Collection of Vim themes with barely any colors
  • vim-tpipeline - Embed your vim statusline in tmux.
  • wheel - Quick navigation for Vim and Neovim : file groups, buffers, find, grep/edit, mru, frecency, persistent session, yank, ...

Vim 8

  • ale - Asynchronous Lint Engine
  • neomake - Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim
  • ale - Asynchronous Lint Engine

Vim anywhere

  • vim-anywhere - Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
  • firenvim - Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox, Thunderbird & others.

Vim Books and Guides

