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CI Code style: black DockerHub - traefik-keycloak


Keycloak Integration for Traefik

Setup Instructions


  1. Create a new openid-connect client in Keycloak
  2. Set Access Type to confidential
  3. Create Redirect URIs for your services (https://<DOMAIN>/_oauth)
  4. Copy secret from Credentials tab
  5. Go to Mappers tab and add a builtin client roles mapper:
    • Set Client ID to the id of your client
    • Set Token Claim Name to roles
    • Disable Add to access token
    • Enable Add to userinfo
    • Save
  6. Create roles for your services


  1. Replace <DOMAIN> and <REALM> placeholders in AUTH_URL, TOKEN_URL and USERINFO_URL
  2. Set CLIENT_ID to your client id and CLIENT_SECRET to your client secret
  3. (optional) Adjust OK_TTL and FORBIDDEN_TTL

Service Container

  1. Add a new label to define the auth middleware and point it to your traefik-keycloak container:
    traefik.http.middlewares.service-auth.forwardauth.address: http://traefik-keycloak/service
    The path of this address has to match the name of a role in Keycloak. Access is granted if and only if the user is a member of this role.
  2. (optional) Add a oauth_path query parameter to change the callback path to which Keycloak will redirect (default is /_oauth). If you do this, you also have to adjust your Redirect URI in Keycloak.
  3. Add a label to use this middleware in your traefik router:
    traefik.http.routers.service.middlewares: service-auth