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How to use this Repository

  1. Code
    Contains all the code regarding all the excercises and the assignments and in class teachings about R, with the data. Most of the things have comments, if not please feel free to create an issue here for explainations and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

  2. Data

Raw CSV and Excel files for the data used in the code.


Subdivided into two portion, code and notes. Codes should mostly work, and Notes have some of the notes I did make for the class. Mostly used the slides for this portion.

  1. Notes

R notes and some of the notes I made for the class. Quite good notes, please use appropriate extensions of VSCode to display them properly incase of not rendering of $LaTeX$ or Mermaid based charts.

  1. Notes Assets

Self explanatory, assets for the notes.

  1. Slides

Slides for the class. 1.pdf has all the slides which are combined, and the rest are depending on the topic.

Also have attached Midsem Code Cheat Sheet, the only thing which I took to the exam, and it was all which was required.

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