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Bazel rules for generating TypeScript declarations for JavaScript protocol buffers


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Bazel rules for generating TypeScript declarations for JavaScript protocol buffers using the ts-protoc-gen protoc plugin. These rules can also generate service definitions for use by grpc-web or grpc-node.

Getting Started

If you're upgrading from a previous version and experiencing issues with missing _pb_service.d.ts files, see here for a migration guide.

Before you can use rules_typescript_proto, you must first setup:

Once those are setup, add the following to your workspace:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# TODO: Setup rules_proto
# TODO: Setup rules_nodejs

    name = "rules_typescript_proto",
    sha256 = "aac6dec2c8d55da2b2c2689b7a2afe44b691555cab32e2eaa2bdd29627d950e9",
    strip_prefix = "rules_typescript_proto-1.0.1",
    urls = [

load("@rules_typescript_proto//:index.bzl", "rules_typescript_proto_dependencies")


Then, in your BUILD file:

load("@rules_typescript_proto//:index.bzl", "typescript_proto_library")

  name = "test_proto",
  srcs = [

  name = "test_ts_proto",
  proto = ":test_proto",

You can now use the test_ts_proto target as a dep in other ts_library targets. However, you will need to include the following dependencies at runtime yourself:

  • google-protobuf
  • @improbable-eng/grpc-web
  • browser-headers

For generating grpc output files, you'll also need the following in your BUILD file:

load("@rules_typescript_proto//:index.bzl", "typescript_grpc_web_library", "typescript_grpc_node_library")

# For grpc-web support use:
  name = "test_ts_grpc_web",
  proto = ":test_proto",

# For grpc-node support use:
  name = "test_ts_grpc_node",
  proto = ":test_proto",

# For grpc-node support with grpc-js use:
  name = "test_ts_grpc_node_grpc_js",
  proto = ":test_proto",
  use_grpc_js = True,

See //test:pizza_service_proto_test_suite and //test:grpc_node_test for examples.

IDE Code Completion

To get code completion working for the generated protos in your IDE, add the following to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      // Replace <workspace-name> with the name of your workspace
      "<workspace-name>/*": [
        "*", // Enables absolute paths for src files in your project
        "bazel-bin/*" // Enables referencing generate protos with absolute paths

NOTE: This has only been tested in IntelliJ and VSCode with the bazel plugin NOTE: This assumes a default --symlink_prefix value.


Contributions are welcome!