These are the notes that came with the test - for development notes please refer to
Create simple Node.js based application that simulates simple search for an area and displays search results.
Please read through the test description below to fully understand what is required. All assets needed to complete this test are attached.
- JSON data that simulates output from API
- wireframes for 3 different viewports
- proposed user stories are complete
- code is unit tested
- Node.js on the server
- feel free to use test framework of your choice
- accessible via keyboard
Features below cover all user acceptance criteria from data manipulation, simple functionality and also what is expected to be rendered in the client. For visual guidance please refer to attached wireframes
Feature: Application needs to provide basic routing and send all other requests to 404 page
Scenario: Show not found page
Given I enter a path in browser's address bar
And path is not "/search"
And path is not "/results"
Then "404" page should be returned
And page should display "Requested page not found"
Feature: Data coming from API needs to be updated for correct display in the client.
Scenario: Create property title
Given API provides "number of bedrooms"
And API provides "property type"
When property title is rendered by client
Then it needs to print out '"number of bedrooms" bedroom "property type" for sale'
Scenario: Create agent address
Given API provides "agent address"
And API provides "agent postcode"
When agent address is rendered in the client
Then it needs to print out '"agent address", "agent postcode"'
Scenario: Format price
Given API provides "price"
When "price" is rendered in the client
Then it needs to be printed as "£X,XXX,XXX" format
Feature: Users need to be able to search for area by postcode
Scenario: Search page is displayed
Given I want to search for properties on the website
When I visit "/search" page
Then I am presented with a search field and submit button
Scenario: Search for area returns results
Given search page is rendered
And search field is present
And submit button is present
When I enter "N11" postcode to search field
And I submit search query
Then I am presented with "results" page showing ordered list of results
And page shows '"number of results" found'
And each result contains "property image"
And each result contains "property title"
And each result contains "property price"
And each result contains "property description"
And each result contains agent data consisting of "agent logo", "agent name", "agent address" and "agent phone number"
Scenario: Search for an area for which there are no results
Given search page is rendered
And search field is present
And submit button is present
When I enter "SE1" to search field
And I submit search query
Then search page returns message "No results found"
And search search field is shown
And submit button is shown
Feature: Search results page needs to be responsive and support 3 different viewports
Scenario: Small screen user
Given a search was performed for "N11"
When "results" page renders ordered list of results for given search term
Then each result occupies full width of the screen
And each result's items occupy full width of the screen
And each result's items are left aligned
Scenario: Medium size screen user
Given a search was performed for "N11"
When "results" page renders ordered list of results for given search term
Then each result is split into 2 rows
And first row is split into 2 equally wide columns
And first column renders "property image"
And second column renders "property title" followed by "property price" and "property description"
And last row occupies full width
And contains "agent logo" followed by "agent name", "agent address" and "agent phone number"
Scenario: Large screen user
Given a search was performed for "N11"
When "results" page renders ordered list of results for given search term
Then each result is split into 3 columns
And first column renders "property image"
And second column renders "property title" followed by "property price" and "property description"
And last column renders "agent logo" followed by "agent name", "agent address" and "agent phone number"
Please let us know if you liked the test and how long it took you to complete it.