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TÜBİTAK Evaluation

Evaluation Criteria Average Score Ceiling Score
Feasibility - Appropriateness level of the method 4.00 5.0
Feasibility - Level of appropriate formulation of sub-goals for problem analysis 3.33 5.0
Feasibility - Level of supporting evidence/facts for feasibility (e.g., full report) 3.67 5.0
Creativity - Level of attracting the interest of domain experts 4.00 5.0
Creativity - Potential to bring a different perspective to the history field 3.67 5.0
Originality - Degree of differentiation from previously conducted studies 3.33 5.0
Originality - Potential to advance the knowledge in the history field 3.33 5.0
Originality - Potential to lead to new developments in the history field 3.00 5.0
Ethical Principles Compliance - Level of adequacy in literature review 3.67 5.0
Ethical Principles Compliance - Level of conformity of citations in the text and bibliography to the guide 4.00 5.0
Ethical Principles Compliance - Level of protection of personal information of research participants 3.33 5.0
Results and Recommendations - Level of repeatability of reported results 3.33 5.0
Results and Recommendations - Clarity and comprehensibility level of results and recommendations 3.67 5.0
Results and Recommendations - Potential of recommendations to guide new research 3.67 5.0
Target Audience - Level of describing the basic characteristics of the target audience 3.67 5.0
Intervention / Product* - Level of operability of the developed product according to current/standard procedures OR appropriateness of the design used to determine the effect of the developed intervention 3.33 5.0
Comparison - Level of persuasiveness of the project's strong points 3.33 5.0
Output - Potential contribution to the relevant field methodologically/conceptually/theoretically 3.00 5.0
Output - Potential contribution to achieving targeted societal outcomes or solving identified societal problems 3.67 5.0
Time Management - Level of compliance of the project text with the guide 4.00 5.0
TOTAL 71.0 100,00