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Decision Points

perrygeo edited this page Mar 18, 2013 · 15 revisions

A running list of decisions that were made regarding the land owners tool.

  • The mapping component of the interface will be a 2D OpenLayers-based map. The 3D Google Earth API is too resource intensive for this user group. (Jon/Mike, Aug? 11)

  • The Land Owner Tool will focus on the following user groups, in order of priority. (Brent 11/22/11)

Small Landowners (500 to 20,000 acres), Resource Managers, Consultants

  • FVS for now - may swap out for FPS at a later date. - (meeting w/ Brent, Mike, Sam on 12/1/11)

  • Scheduler will be employed ala TREES process for the murdock tool - property level optimization. (Mike, 12/2/11)

  • Scheduler will not necessarily be used; give user choice to set own offsets (Mike, 2/24/12).. note this can be accomplished by setting the offsets to 0 for all

  • GIS data will be processed in the GNN albers projection. web map will be in mercator to leverage tilesets from google, et. al. - which also means that data for visualization, info queries and user-drawn shapes will be in mercator as well. The zonal stats portion will need to reproject from albers to mercator on the fly. (Matt,Jocelyne 3/12)

  • General workflow as show in wireframes on 3/16/12 is OKed (Mike, Ed, Matt, Jocelyne)

  • There will be no cruise compiler or tree/plot level data entered into the system for V1. GNN data will be used and all scenarios will be "pregrown". (Mike, 3/16)

Hierarchy of collections:

  • ForestProperty
    • Scenario
      • ScenarioStands
      • MyRx
    • Strata
      • Stand (implied by FK)
  • Spatial Constraints
  • Rx