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TREES Process

perrygeo edited this page Feb 27, 2012 · 1 revision

The previous semi-automated-but-mostly-manual process for running timber land scenarios was called the TREES process

Here's a brief technical outline...

Trees process Developed by Mike Mertens, et. al. in 2009? Docs by Matthew Perry Overview

The TREES process takes standard forestry inventory information, runs several scenarios in a growth and yield model and schedules harvesting activity to optimize for a maximum steady flow of merchantable timber at the property level.

Current Process Outline

  1. Data in tabular FPS-like format (initially txt files but will eventually come from postgres)
    1. Stand attributes table
    2. Tree inventory
  2. Data translated to FVS input files using
    1. single .slf file for stands attributes
    2. one .fvs file per stand with tree inventory
  3. FVS Key files developed for each prescription scenario.
    1. assumption: They all use a XX_YY.key format where XX is the perscription and YY is the offset. Base keys, therefore must be named XX_01.key
    2. assumption: Must have a COMPUTE … Offset = 0 … END section and use that Offset variable in the equations
    3. Careful about hardcoded include files .. look for G:* after Open keywords.. convert to relative paths with unix file seperators
  4. Create offsets using "analysis\scheduling\"
    1. reads in base Rxs
    2. outputs directory (“offsets”) with multiple key files offset, as well as .bat files to run them
    3. must manually add a “Grow-only” key as the final step (?)
  5. Run all the .bat files in the offsets dir using analysis\scheduling\offsets\proc_gy.php
  6. Run the gy_* scripts
    1. parses FVS outputs into csvs for use in the scheduler
    2. data must be moved manually from the offsets directory to *_treelists (?)
    3. outputs several *.txt files to *_treelists directory
    4. must be run separately for both “alt” and “bus” (and other?) Rxs
    5. .txt files moved to ./data
  7. Run the adjacency AML at "analysis\scheduling\stand_delin\sch_inputs.aml"
    1. outputs adj.txt file which defined adjacency
  8. Run the scheduler executable
    1. reads *.txt from the ./data directory
    2. outputs *_sch.txt and *_summary.txt
  9. Join _sch with shapefile
  10. Copy ? into carbon calc spreadsheet and do (?)

Required scripts