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FVS parsing notes apr 23 2013

perrygeo edited this page Apr 23, 2013 · 2 revisions

Offset interpretation

1 no offset, 4 x 5 yr, 1 GOnly

Offset in key is year based - 5 year increments for all variants

Offset in filename/outdata - 0-based array with last offset grow-only (0=0yr, 1=5yr, 999=GrowOnly)

offset > 1 digit may mess up scheduler

keyfile tweaks

suppress logging to make faster?

Aggregate files

cut file won't have every year/offset

live file will (plots * offsets * time periods) rows


svs: don't use em - 7MB per plot*cond 21GB turn off chp files

Err files

how to parse/interpret .err files, keep around but deal outside batch processing

Categorized aggregate files

Might be able to parse cut_vol after (NOT scheduler, used in cost model and carbon calcs)

Categories: HW, SW, WhiteWood,

Map for species codes into categories for each variant

consider cut vs merch cut

TRLs have 4 sections (see col 80)

  • Treelist T (livetree)
  • Treelist D (dead tree)
  • Cutlist C (cut)
  • ATRTLIST A (after treatment)

For new style list

Treelist          0.                   1                            T (livetree)
Treelist          0.                   1                   1        D (dead tree)
Cutlist           0.                   1                            C (cut )  (col 80)
ATRTLIST          0.                   1                            A (after treatment)

For old style list

Treelist          0.                   0                            T (livetree)
Treelist          0.                   0                   1        D (dead tree)
Cutlist           0.                   0                            C (cut )  (col 80)
ATRTLIST          0.                   0                            A (after treatment)