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Future wish list

perrygeo edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 1 revision

July work

  • Cost model

Aug work

  • Respond to user feedback re: user interface

Sept work

  • documentation
  • help/tutorial

Future work

  • Profile and optimize performance
  • Topological correctness
  • exports
  • imports
  • scheduler
  • carbon optimization in scheduler
  • market opportunities
  • revenue model
  • asynchronous tracking/updating
  • spatial constraints automatically intersected
  • testing
  • utfgrid/coordinates mouse interactivity
  • https
  • layer manager

Maintenance that must be integrated with above stories

  • Code linting (asserting formatting standards, clean up comments, etc)
  • Code maintenance (leave the code cleaner than the last iteration)
  • Minor refactoring (as necessary to support user stories)
  • Testing (every single piece of functionality should be covered by some test procedure)
  • Deployment
  • Continuous integration
  • Server maintenance (backups, security updates, etc)
  • Documentation (technical specs, etc)
  • Responding to user feedback
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • Communication with client and general meetings
  • Maintaining tickets
  • Planning the next release cycle
  • Publicizing and announcing releases
  • Dependency version management
  • Communicating work to peers, maintaining professional relationships
  • Data migrations to ensure data integrity across versions