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Running List of Questions

perrygeo edited this page Mar 18, 2012 · 3 revisions

outstanding issues and quandries...

Fundamental issues (the really important stuff)

  • We are growing things at the GNN/FIA plot level. But a stand will consist of multiple GNN pixels. How do we get to stand-level growth; take the majority? the top-5 fcids? treat each pixel as a plot within the stand?


FVS scaling factors and multipliers might need to be employed ?

Do we include Plot in the data model? In some cases we may want to specify plot slope, aspect etc so may be useful to make them spatially explicit. OTOH may be too much detail?

How many plots to include per stand? manual says it will replicate until it gets 50, suggests minimum of 5. How to make those plots representitve of the underlying GNN data?

Plots need to somehow specify trees per hectare or density?

Our managment actions need to consider natural regeneration as most variants do not. Mgmt actions need to be defined in FVS keywords.

How do we account for the differences between variants?


HOW to related the species codes in GNN data to the 2-digit code used in FVS (Tree Species Code, can be the FVS alpha code, FIA code or USDA plant symbol.)........ perhaps use the SPP_SYMBOL field ?

How does the tree inventory get built into a full tree list? Must require specifying inventory design...

How do we pick the regional ‘variant’- shapefile of regions?

How do we build the tree list and stand list outside of the database? See Mike’s example?

Already Answered

Does FVS work with WINE? Can we get it going with sh instead of .bat scripts? Yes and Yes