This package was developed to address one of the most challenging topics in the Swift community: dependency injection. I often found it difficult to grasp this concept and implement it effectively. Through extensive research, I discovered a straightforward method inspired by the @Environment
property wrapper in SwiftUI. A defining feature of this package is its simplicity, making it easily understandable for anyoney.
Key issues addressed by this package include:
- Simplifying the process of mocking data for tests.
- Maintaining readability by adhering closely to Swift’s standard APIs.
- Ensuring compile-time safety to prevent hidden crashes, so if the application builds, all dependencies are correctly configured.
- Avoiding large initializers caused by dependency injection.
- Relieving the AppDelegate from being the central point for defining all shared instances.
- Minimizing potential learning curves.
- Eliminating the need for force unwrapping.
- Allowing the definition of standard dependencies without exposing private or internal types within packages.
first start by adding the pacakge to your code base as follow:
.package(url: "", from: "1.3"),
Alternatively, navigate to the top section labeled 'Files' and click on 'Add Package Dependency':
Let's say we have a protocol called MotorBike
(why motorBike because I love them 😍😅) that contains a funcation called move
protocol MotorBike {
func move() -> Int
And there is a struct called Ducati
that conforms to MotorBike
struct Ducati: MotorBike {
func move() -> Int {
return 5
At this point we want to inject this object to another object using dependency injection design pattern to do so,
the first step is to make an extension InjectedValues
and add the new property that containes the object instance :
@InjecteValues extension InjectedValues {
var ducatiProvider: MotorBike = Ducati()
and that's it...simple right 😉. The InjecteValues
macro expand the code to this at compile time:
@InjecteValues extension InjectedValues {
var ducatiProvider: MotorBike = Ducati()
//Expanded Code
private struct DucatiKey: InjectionKey {
static var currentValue: MotorBike = Ducati()
var ducatiProvider: MotorBike {
get { Self[DucatiKey.self] }
set { Self[DucatiKey.self] = newValue }
To be able to use it, you will just write this where ever you need it:
struct Garage {
@Injected(\.ducatiProvider) var ducati: MotorBike
And that's it, simple right 🚀.
When ever you call the @Injected
you will have the same instance throught the life cycle of the app.
To prevent any side effects and weird outcomes from happening due to inconsistent dependency references.
Plus you can easily change the instance by writing:
let garage = Garage()
garage.ducati = Ducati()
InjectedValues[\.ducatiProvider] = Ducati()
Using the InjectedValues
static subscript also affects already injected properties.
Testing your code is more easier than you think, you will just have to change the injected properties with a mock one using InjectedValues
static subscript, like so:
final class MotorBikeTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
InjectedValues[\.ducatiProvider] = DuctiMock()
func test() {
let garge = Garage()
let result = garge.move()
XCTAssertEqual(10, result)
class DuctiMock: MotorBike {
func move() -> Int {
return 10
that's it for how to test your injected properties. Easey right ? 😎
Some helpful links for you:
This pacakge was created by Eng.Omar Elsayed to help the iOS comuntity and make there life easir. To contact me email me at