Table of Contents
Jungle is a plant themed E-commerce web application built with Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap CSS, PostgreSQL, and Stripe. The application covers some of the most common features you would expect from an e-commerce site, including user authentication, product and category management handled through a password protected admin panel, along with a checkout powered by Stripe.
- Ruby on Rails 6.1
- Bootstrap 5
- PostgresSQL 9.x
- Stripe
- Rspec
- Cypress
- Clone the repo to a folder of your choice.
git clone Jungle
- cd into the newly created Jungle directory.
cd Jungle
- Install Gem dependencies.
bundle install
- Reset and seed the database
bin/rails db:reset
- Sign-up for a stripe acount and add your credentials to the .env file
- Also, set the admin username and password in .env to access the admin panel
- Start the application from the root directory
bin/rails s -b
If Rails is complaining about authentication to the database, uncomment the user and password fields from config/database.yml
in the development and test sections, and replace if necessary the user and password development
to an existing database user. Application tested using Rspec and Cypress.
Use Credit Card # 4111 1111 1111 1111 for testing success scenarios.
More information in their docs:
Ethan Steip