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Merge pull request #103 from BrodiePearson/master
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Adds enstrophy budget diagnostics for 2D and barotropic QG
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navidcy authored Sep 11, 2020
2 parents 27a1374 + 670c599 commit e8c39e4
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ docs/Manifest.toml
# Model output

# Plots and movies
Expand Down
114 changes: 77 additions & 37 deletions examples/twodnavierstokes_stochasticforcing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,21 @@
#md # This example can be run online via [![](](@__BINDER_ROOT_URL__/generated/twodnavierstokes_stochasticforcing.ipynb).
#md # Also, it can be viewed as a Jupyter notebook via [![](](@__NBVIEWER_ROOT_URL__/generated/twodnavierstokes_stochasticforcing.ipynb).
# A simulation of forced-dissipative two-dimensional turbulence. We solve the
# A simulation of forced-dissipative two-dimensional turbulence. We solve the
# two-dimensional vorticity equation with stochastic excitation and dissipation in
# the form of linear drag and hyperviscosity. As a demonstration, we compute how
# each of the forcing and dissipation terms contribute to the energy budget.
# the form of linear drag and hyperviscosity. As a demonstration, we compute how
# each of the forcing and dissipation terms contribute to the energy and the
# enstrophy budgets.

using FourierFlows, Printf, Plots

using FourierFlows: parsevalsum
using Random: seed!
using FFTW: irfft

import GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes
import GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes: energy, enstrophy, dissipation, work, drag
import GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes: energy, energy_dissipation, energy_work, energy_drag
import GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes: enstrophy, enstrophy_dissipation, enstrophy_work, enstrophy_drag

# ## Choosing a device: CPU or GPU
Expand All @@ -41,12 +43,12 @@ nothing # hide

# We force the vorticity equation with stochastic excitation that is delta-correlated
# in time and while spatially homogeneously and isotropically correlated. The forcing
# has a spectrum with power in a ring in wavenumber space of radious $k_f$ and
# width $\delta k_f$, and it injects energy per unit area and per unit time equal
# has a spectrum with power in a ring in wavenumber space of radious $k_f$ and
# width $\delta k_f$, and it injects energy per unit area and per unit time equal
# to $\varepsilon$.

forcing_wavenumber = 14.0 # the central forcing wavenumber for a spectrum that is a ring in wavenumber space
forcing_bandwidth = 1.5 # the width of the forcing spectrum
forcing_bandwidth = 1.5 # the width of the forcing spectrum
ε = 0.001 # energy input rate by the forcing

gr = TwoDGrid(dev, n, L)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,10 +112,14 @@ TwoDNavierStokes.set_zeta!(prob, zeros(g.nx, g.ny))

# Create Diagnostics; the diagnostics are aimed to probe the energy budget.
E = Diagnostic(energy, prob, nsteps=nt) # energy
R = Diagnostic(drag, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by drag
D = Diagnostic(dissipation, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by hyperviscosity
W = Diagnostic(work, prob, nsteps=nt) # work input by forcing
diags = [E, D, W, R] # A list of Diagnostics types passed to "stepforward!" will be updated every timestep.
R = Diagnostic(energy_drag, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by drag
D = Diagnostic(energy_dissipation, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by hyperviscosity
W = Diagnostic(energy_work, prob, nsteps=nt) # work input by forcing
Z = Diagnostic(enstrophy, prob, nsteps=nt) # energy
RZ = Diagnostic(enstrophy_drag, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by drag
DZ = Diagnostic(enstrophy_dissipation, prob, nsteps=nt) # dissipation by hyperviscosity
WZ = Diagnostic(enstrophy_work, prob, nsteps=nt) # work input by forcing
diags = [E, D, W, R, Z, DZ, WZ, RZ] # A list of Diagnostics types passed to "stepforward!" will be updated every timestep.
nothing # hide

Expand All @@ -125,23 +131,28 @@ nothing # hide

function computetendencies_and_makeplot(prob, diags)
E, D, W, R = diags
E, D, W, R, Z, Dᶻ, Wᶻ, Rᶻ = diags

clocktime = round*cl.t, digits=2)

i₀ = 1
dEdt_numerical = (E[(i₀+1):E.i] - E[i₀:E.i-1])/cl.dt #numerical first-order approximation of energy tendency
dZdt_numerical = (Z[(i₀+1):Z.i] - Z[i₀:Z.i-1])/cl.dt #numerical first-order approximation of enstrophy tendency
ii = (i₀):E.i-1
ii2 = (i₀+1):E.i

t = E.t[ii]
dEdt_computed = W[ii2] - D[ii] - R[ii] # Stratonovich interpretation

residual = dEdt_computed - dEdt_numerical
dZdt_computed = Wᶻ[ii2] - Dᶻ[ii] - Rᶻ[ii]

residual_E = dEdt_computed - dEdt_numerical
residual_Z = dZdt_computed - dZdt_numerical

εᶻ = parsevalsum(forcing_spectrum / 2, g) / (g.Lx * g.Ly)

l = @layout grid(2, 2)
l = @layout grid(2,3)

p1 = heatmap(x, y, v.zeta,
pzeta = heatmap(x, y, v.zeta,
aspectratio = 1,
legend = false,
c = :viridis,
Expand All @@ -155,30 +166,57 @@ function computetendencies_and_makeplot(prob, diags)
title = "∇²ψ(x, y, t="*@sprintf("%.2f", cl.t)*")",
framestyle = :box)

p2 = plot*t, [W[ii2] ε.+0*t -D[ii] -R[ii]],
label = ["work, W" "ensemble mean work, <W>" "dissipation, D" "drag, D=-2μE"],
= plot(pzeta, size = (400, 400))

p1 = plot*t, [W[ii2] ε.+0*t -D[ii] -R[ii]],
label = ["work, W" "ensemble mean work, <W>" "dissipation, D" "drag, R=-2μE"],
linestyle = [:solid :dash :solid :solid],
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.8,
xlabel = "μt",
ylabel = "energy sources and sinks")

p3 = plot*t, [dEdt_computed[ii], dEdt_numerical],
label = ["computed W-D" "numerical dE/dt"],
linestyle = [:solid :dashdotdot],
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.8,
xlabel = "μt",
ylabel = "dE/dt")

p4 = plot*t, residual,
label = "residual dE/dt = computed - numerical",
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.7,
xlabel = "μt")

p = plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout=l, size = (900, 800))
return p
p2 = plot*t, [dEdt_computed[ii], dEdt_numerical],
label = ["computed W-D" "numerical dE/dt"],
linestyle = [:solid :dashdotdot],
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.8,
xlabel = "μt",
ylabel = "dE/dt")

p3 = plot*t, residual_E,
label = "residual dE/dt = computed - numerical",
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.7,
xlabel = "μt")

p4 = plot*t, [Wᶻ[ii2] εᶻ.+0*t -Dᶻ[ii] -Rᶻ[ii]],
label = ["Enstrophy work, Wᶻ" "mean enstrophy work, <Wᶻ>" "enstrophy dissipation, Dᶻ" "enstrophy drag, Rᶻ=-2μZ"],
linestyle = [:solid :dash :solid :solid],
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.8,
xlabel = "μt",
ylabel = "enstrophy sources and sinks")

p5 = plot*t, [dZdt_computed[ii], dZdt_numerical],
label = ["computed Wᶻ-Dᶻ" "numerical dZ/dt"],
linestyle = [:solid :dashdotdot],
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.8,
xlabel = "μt",
ylabel = "dZ/dt")

p6 = plot*t, residual_Z,
label = "residual dZ/dt = computed - numerical",
linewidth = 2,
alpha = 0.7,
xlabel = "μt")

pbudgets = plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, layout=l, size = (1300, 900))

return pζ, pbudgets
nothing # hide

Expand All @@ -198,11 +236,13 @@ for i = 1:ns
log = @sprintf("step: %04d, t: %.1f, cfl: %.3f, walltime: %.2f min", cl.step, cl.t,
cfl, (time()-startwalltime)/60)


# ## Plot
# And now let's see what we got. We plot the output.

p = computetendencies_and_makeplot(prob, diags)
pζ, pbudgets = computetendencies_and_makeplot(prob, diags)

58 changes: 52 additions & 6 deletions src/barotropicqg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ export

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,9 +65,9 @@ function Problem(dev::Device=CPU();
params = !(typeof(eta)<:ArrayType(dev)) ? Params(grid, β, eta, μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq) : Params(β, eta, rfft(eta), μ, ν, nν, calcFU, calcFq)

vars = (calcFq == nothingfunction && calcFU == nothingfunction) ? Vars(dev, grid) : (stochastic ? StochasticForcedVars(dev, grid) : ForcedVars(dev, grid))

equation = Equation(params, grid)

return FourierFlows.Problem(equation, stepper, dt, grid, vars, params, dev)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ function calcN_advection!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
@. vars.v = vars.v * vars.q # v*q

mul!(vars.uh, grid.rfftplan, vars.u) # \hat{(u+U)*q}

# Nonlinear advection term for q (part 1)
@. N = -im * * vars.uh # -∂[(U+u)q]/∂x
mul!(vars.uh, grid.rfftplan, vars.v) # \hat{v*q}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,18 +344,30 @@ enstrophy(prob) = enstrophy(prob.sol, prob.grid, prob.vars)

Returns the energy of the domain-averaged U.
meanenergy(prob) = CUDA.@allowscalar real(0.5 * prob.sol[1, 1].^2)

Returns the enstrophy of the domain-averaged U.
meanenstrophy(prob) = CUDA.@allowscalar real(prob.params.β * prob.sol[1, 1])

Returns the domain-averaged dissipation rate of enstrophy. nν must be >= 1.
@inline function dissipation_ens(prob)
sol, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. vars.uh = grid.Krsq^params.* abs2(sol)
vars.uh[1, 1] = 0
return params.ν / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

dissipation(sol, vars, params, grid)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,6 +401,25 @@ end

@inline work(prob) = work(prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.grid)

work_ens(sol, v, grid)
Returns the domain-averaged rate of work of enstrophy by the forcing Fh.
@inline function work_ens(sol, vars::ForcedVars, grid)
@. vars.uh = sol * conj(vars.Fqh)
return 1 / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

@inline function work_ens(sol, vars::StochasticForcedVars, grid)
@. vars.uh = (vars.prevsol + sol) / 2 * conj(vars.Fqh) # Stratonovich
# @. vars.uh = grid.invKrsq * vars.prevsol * conj(vars.Fh) # Ito
return 1 / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

@inline work_ens(prob) = work_ens(prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.grid)

drag(sol, vars, params, grid)
Expand All @@ -399,4 +433,16 @@ Returns the extraction of domain-averaged energy by drag μ.
return params.μ / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

Returns the extraction of domain-averaged enstrophy by drag/hypodrag μ.
@inline function drag_ens(prob)
sol, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
@. vars.uh = grid.Krsq^0.0 * abs2(sol)
CUDA.@allowscalar vars.uh[1, 1] = 0
return params.μ / (grid.Lx * grid.Ly) * parsevalsum(vars.uh, grid)

end # module

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