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Blockchain Seeding

matsteele edited this page May 20, 2019 · 3 revisions
  • Created separate contracts that inherit functionality, but allows for bypassing the security measures specifically the hashes signed through metamask for each transaction.
  • This works by using the internal subfunction for the transaction directly, which has been decoupled from the security checks.

Seeding Set-up

The truffle.js file allows for aliases for each 'network' and associated settings. We feed in private keys for three separate wallets. The first is used to instantiate the smart contracts. The other two are used for seeding the data.

The private keys need to be those associated with your metamask profile on deployment. They are housed in the env file, within the truffle folder.

Seeding the projects

to reset, run

truffle migrate --compile-all --reset --network ropsten

then for each seed

truffle exec step1 -network seedInvestor1
truffle exec step2 -network seedInvestor2
truffle exec step3 -network seedInvestor1
truffle exec step4 -network seedInvestor1
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