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token functionality

matsteele edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 1 revision

Active vs inactive tokens

Some boolean or trigger will need to be integrated to differentiate between a coin registered to a deployed or non-deployed project. An active membership is a token that has been associated with a deployed project. Only the number of available spaces in each deployed project, excluding the buffer, can be converted into active memberships.

The expected logic with be that each token’s active membership status is set to false, and once a project deploys, all associated tokens shift to active. Some kind of counter will track the number of possible active tokens and allow tokens to convert up up until that counter is reached.

There are two paths to accomplish tracking Active vs Inactive tokens: Option 1) Adding new boolean field to TokenInfo struck

Transfer Token

Fee for token transfer Fee for token transfer = 15% of platform sell price (2000+2000=$4000).

fractional ownership - two denominations

What happens when a wallet keyphrase/password is lost?

Do we still distribute to that wallet? Do we provide people a means of petitioning that the token be transferred? Thus we would need to have some master privileges as an owner, which would have the tradeoff of making the project not entirely decentralized, and could decrease trust in the system, as people won’t have assurances that we wouldn’t exploit this ability to transfer tokens as we see fit. Alternatively we could give people a means of saving their passcode on the site in a secure fashion Or a means of retrieving a password based on key questions.

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