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dividends functionality

matsteele edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

There are two critical strategies to distributed dividends The first and most obvious strategy involves exchanging the fiat provided into ether and then sending that ether to the address associated with each token. The benefits of this strategy is that because this is the obvious strategy, it is how people will expect things to be delivered. Its simplicity will provide comfort and facilitate purchases. The second strategy considered involves a burning of the token when exchanged for dividends. One of the downsides to this strategy is that each token will be slightly less liquid and thus less valuable. Secondly if secondary markets don’t become efficient or active in the short run, people may not have the option of using it based on its speculative value - indeed its speculative value is dependent on its ability to be trade on in active secondary markets.

Distribute funds

𐤳 set intervals (⅓ of funds at 50%, 75%, and 100%) Assume all boxes follow a similar trajectory (9m-1y) Prompt will be sent at certain time intervals -

[ ] Interface for approvals for the construction process is needed as is potentially a confirmation that a surety bond has been taken out.

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