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Project Modals

matsteele edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 1 revision

SPRINT GOAL - “The purpose of the project modules is to display information about the proposed project. We only will seed the database for two projects, one pitched and and operating (CrossFit).


The labels for all components to the project module will show only on hover. This includes the labels for the crowdsale barometer.


A placeholder was created for projects without data. The only data not required will be the 3d Model, which will collapse if nothing was uploaded.


  • Business Plan
    The business plan will output a pdf for review. This should be substantially developed, though we will only require that it is present. The based for the cashflows uploaded should be explained in detail in the business plan.

  • Cashflows
    Cashflows will be simplistic in design and demonstrate the prospects for the project. Because these will most often be projections, these lines will be predictably flat. But eventually when a project is operating, these cashflows will also represent actual cashflows, and should be shown next to a very transparent /dotted line of what the projections were, for comparison. For now we are just showing cashflow projections, but in the future we may also integrate the expense/revenue streams that result in these projections.

because the cashflows have to work for both operating and pitched projects,

  • The scope of cash flows should center on the current quarter, or at least identify which of the cashflows are real and which are projected.
    • Projected should be presented with a dashed line.
    • transparencies should allow for comparisons of the accumulated loss or gain
    • The axis should call on hover showing dates and value
  • Capital Required
    The key barometer for gauging the progress of the crowdsale will be a data visualization that combines information about the capital required and the timeline to receive.

  • 3D Model
    Importing functionality from google poly, or sketchfab, we will host a 3d model for the proposed project. The model should take up the top part of the module. While we hope that building such models will be standard for pitches, if a project is not built, the div holding it will collapse.

Major thought is needed on how to streamline the process of developers creating and uploading these models. As of now, there are major errors on the Poly platform if the model is overly complex. Hopefully the technology will improve, but we will also need to dedicate significant time to understanding what the errors we are experiencing are and how best to create checks to help developers build usable models.

  • Map Footer
    The footer will hold a map using the Leaflet Library with select spatial overlays, elected when the project is pitched from a library of available geojsons based on location. For now we just inputted a pin based on the lat longs. For now we are using the standard dark Mapbox overlay, but eventually we intent to build our own tiles that is more abstracted, with only minimal geographical indicators in white, and everything else in black. This will make for a better contract with colorful overlays. When the overlays are being triggered, the rest of the module will go grey/transparent. Much like when the 3d model is being explored. Eventually the intention is to build very abstracted tiles for the map that allow the map to blend into the module. One technique would be to blacken out anything that isn’t part of the city’s administrative boundary that the project lies in.
  • Allow the basemap to be a black background to integrate into the project module background.
    • Let the outline of the demographic layer be the background.
      • Overlaid on an administrative layer that is merged.
    • Build from a library of data options
    • Toggle different overlays

Future Implementations:

  • Create scroll bar
  • Make data downloadable
  • input a window for structuring financial data to fit desired format - an editable feature after the data has already been uploaded. Will allow for the developer to re-upload cashflows for projections.
  • Best if the projections are structured quarterly, with a 7 year time horizon.
    • Set this as a required structure, and create tests/validations to ensure it follows the intended output.
      • Provide examples for users
    • Have two overarching categories
      • Expenses (max 10 lines)
      • Revenues (max 4 lines)
    • Allow for three layers
      • Expenses
      • category
        • Sub-consideration
      • Have the tree expand in full screen mode
  • For now we will do 7 times stable NOI for valuations, but in the future we will have more thoughtful algos for determining valuation
  • Feedback inputs will be needed to allow investors to provide direction and a rationale for why they don’t want to invest. Notes provided will be given to Genus Core to Investors.
  • For the map create transparencies based on coefficients with regressions


Is connection to google poly operational?

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